Maker Monday | United By Gear

Maker Monday | United By Gear

We’re a little slow to post this #makermonday because of that sweet, sweet @blade_show hangover. We had a blast mingling with our maker pals and it was so good to see our community thriving.

We felt so much love and received so much inspiration at this show and it led us to reminisce about our own beginning in this community…

United by Gear was forged out of a true love and appreciation for all things every day carry, not just the items we keep in our pockets but also the people who create and collect them. After many year of collecting ourselves, we decided to strike out on our own, not only designing and making our own gear, but also showcasing the incredibly talented makers who embody the #hatefreeedc community we cherish.

We’re so excited to have you here as we start our journey. We hope our first in house product, the Cereal Killer, brings you just as much joy as the prize in your cereal box on those early Saturday mornings.

Be sure to hop on over to our website, sign up for our newsletter, and tune in on June 15th for our first Pocket Update.

#edc #everydaycarry #everydaycarrycommunity #knife #bladeshow #gearsale #patchbros #pouchboys #velcromafia #prybar #multitool
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